Monitoring the Salish Sea
As our ancestors have done since time immemorial
Our goal is to combine traditional knowledge of the KELŁOLEMEĆEN (Killer Whales) with modern technology to track their movements throughout W̱SÁNEĆ Territory.
We are compiling a comprehensive dataset of "Indigenous Science" that accurately reflects the marine environment and its effects on Southern Resident Killer Whales.
We are creating a never before seen holistic data set that accurately represents the Marine Environment and impacts to SRKWs.
What we do
News & Events
Check out our updated interactive map with all our 2024 observations! View it here
Check back often as we are always adding new stories.
Be a part of the movement
Every purchase and dollar donated helps us protect the SRKW’s and the Marine Environment they call home.
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Whether it’s $20 or $100, your contribution helps make a difference to support the endangered KELŁOLEMEĆEN / SRKWs