We now have three live hydrophone!
These underwater microphones allow us to gain an understanding of the impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine life and the communication, behaviour and habitat use of the different cetacean species within the area. We can detect unique cetacean types and pods but we can also detect and monitor vessel noise to understand the acoustic ecosystem that cetaceans are living in and how it is changing with increasing vessel and shipping traffic.
Our Hydrophones
XELEXÁṮEM | Rum Island
In September 2023, the team set up their first hydrophone off of Rum Island in Haro Strait. This project is in collaboration with BC Whales and is part of the BC Hydrophone Network.
TIU¸IL¸ES — Tumbo Channel
In May 2024, the team set up their second hydrophone in Tumbo Channel in collaboration with Sea to Shores Ltd. and Simon Fraser University’s HALLO project.
SḴŦOḴEȽ — Mayne Island
In October 2024, the team set up their third hydrophone off of Georgina Point on Mayne Island in collaboration with Sea to Shores Ltd. and Simon Fraser University’s HALLO project.